Welcome to the official website for West Looe Town Trust

West Looe Town Trust was established in 1873 and is a registered charity (regd. charity no: 228167). The trust owns a range of domestic, commercial and historic properties in West Looe and its income is used to manage and maintain its various properties. Any surplus income is used to fulfil the charitable aims of the West Looe Town Trust.

The trust has a number of houses and flats that are rented to local residents. It also has much sought after car parking spaces, garages and commercial premises that are rented or leased. If you are interested in any of these facilities, please contact the West Looe Town Trust Office for further details.

Office Hours

The Office will be open to the public on Mondays as usual on 29th July but closed on 5th August.

I will also be away from the office for several days over this period but if you would like to email the office wltt2@westlooetowntrust.co.uk then I will respond on my return.

Sue Pengelly

West Looe Downs - Commons Application

West Looe Downs - Commons Application

The Trustees would like to thank everyone who supported them, both at the hearing earlier this month and in sending in letters of support for West Looe Town Trust.

The Trustees were overwhelmed with these gestures and would like to thank all and everyone of you who supported their objection to the registration of The Downs as common land.
The Community Spirit was fantastic. We will keep you updated when we hear more.

Sue Pengelly